Saturday, August 7, 2010

Export A Beat On The Mpc 2000xl

Hinojos Sanctions Bureau

Only eight municipalities withdraw points Tráfico.Representan sanctions 14% of the municipalities that they must do ·
After four years in place of penalty points, only eight of the 79 municipalities in Huelva, apply the withdrawal of these points, according to the Provincial Traffic in Huelva.
The head of traffic in the province, Ramiro Marcello, explained that "we must bear in mind that these 79 municipalities, 20 of them dealt with by the disciplinary procedures because they have no means to do so and the Traffic Department is responsible to do so. Therefore, the total number of municipalities that deal with disciplinary procedures and are forced to dump points are 59.
Subtracting the eight municipalities that do apply in full the rules, yet we find that 51 municipalities in Huelva exempt violations of the withdrawal corresponding points. In computation of these cities is the capital.
Conversely, municipalities that do retire are Aljaraque, Aracena, Bollullos-the first to apply the system, "Gibraleón, Hinojos, Moguer, Nerva and Punta Umbria.
Marcello reiterated
that "the municipalities that dump the points represent only 14% of those who are obliged to do so." provincial chief for Traffic, all This leads to "situations of manifest injustice, because the same behaviors are treated differently depending on whether the offense was committed in a municipality urban roads that send the points or the one who does not."

In theory, all local councils with powers to impose sanctions on trafficking, should implement the permit system of points in full and since the rule came into force as of July 1, 2007. However, one thing is the rules and force other municipalities to become executors of her arms. Ramiro Marcello recalled that "there is no Administration that is superior to them from a hierarchical point of view and force can thus overturning violation point made to the rules of road safety. "Still, Marcello said that" the Chief is satisfied that there is a special concern in the chief prosecutor of Road Safety, Bartolomé Vargas, and which discussed the desirability of requiring those councils and see the possibility, if they persist in their attitude, engage in any criminal action against perpetrators. "

The steps to be provided by a municipality to enter the system dump points go to apply for the Traffic Department in an electronic identity certificate. It also has to submit a request for access to the information system of driving license points, as they have access to records of traffic for the tip.

From the Provincial Traffic Department stated that "from an administrative standpoint, the performance of the municipalities that dump the points leaves much to be desired" and insisted that the sense of impunity enjoyed by may "have his term on the prosecution intends to enter into any legal action against those responsible for municipal councils do not overturn those points. " Meanwhile, traffic is choosing a Throughout this year, to denounce the agreements signed with municipalities for access to records of the Directorate General, and "sign others where collected explicitly than those without tipping points are not allowed in our records to make data on vehicles and drivers. "


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