Original title: and insurance ... Lord deliver us!
Country: Spain

Director: Antonio del Real
Actors: Juanjo Menéndez, Alfonso Cabeza, Carlos Saturio, Santiago Ramos, Antonio Medina, Alfonso del Real, Isabel Luque Agustin Gonzalez, Antonio Gamero, Luis Barbero, Carlos Larrañaga, Antonio Banderas, Lola Bayo, Cesareo Estebanez, Ricardo Palacios, Antonio Parrilla, Maria Luisa Ponte, Caco Senante.
Synopsis: This the story of a very special hospital ... with patients, members of a disparate fauna cohabiting in it. Where, for example, the "scanner", and is not used, it has taken a particular doctor at his clinic ... Where there is another doctor who is on vacation on the coast undefined ... tending his private clinic. Where an old actor will spend some time malingering, as it has done in medical facilities throughout the country. Or where two "sausages", recovering from a bullet, they plan to steal and rob the payroll ... Where in the midst of a peaceful strike by hospital staff, the police arrive to investigate the robbery payroll, resulting in a "mess" of unsuspected dimensions. Spectacular racing stretchers in the corridors ... Patients to be bound to take the operating room ... Flirty nurses and a doctor who holds a record of disasters in the operating room. Some autopsy in which doctors are invited fainting one to one ... 'And Security ... Deliver us, Lord ", the" Mogollon "fun, wild and crazy English film.
Comments: had I wanted to sink his teeth into this movie and thanks to our friend Clint Barton finally I could see it.
first thing I would like is welcome to this blog to Don Antonio del Real and it is the first film of his that cataloged. Antonio del Real is a director who began his career in the English Golden Age and is still active, has done all kinds of movies without sticking to only one gender and would like to highlight two of his films: first romantic comedy English for excellence "Cha-cha-cha", and on the other side "From dawn, feel like" one of the best comedies XXI century English erotic.
Regarding the film, it's a crazy cast of characters that are generating the argument based on sketches in a film that from the beginning vaguely reminiscent to "Shake before use" with the difference that here is replaced by nurses busty nurses notched bestiajos-looking nightclub doormen. Honestly I do not like as much as Ozores, but is fine. On the other hand I can not say which of the two was the first since both are of 1,983, but there are some important similarities in the argument. Lastly
include the figure of the head doctor that this time gets a true actor and does very well in real life if Alfonso Cabeza was a doctor talking football all day, in this comedy plays a doctor that is expressed in terms bullfighting, but not only the doctor looks in this movie: Juanjo Menéndez an artificially aged protagonist plays with his usual solvency, Carlos Larrañaga more sloppy plays doctor and hospital authoritarian, an authentic "quack" across the breadth of expression, Antonio Gamero deep plays an amnesiac, a very young Antonio Banderas plays a kinki, Isabel Luque put the beauty, Agustín González brings its droplets of anger and moodiness, Maria Luisa Ponte is an energetic nurse, Santiago Ramos is a physician in practice and even the singer Caco Senante plays a nurse bully. Finally, a real estate deal for a film class.

Format: Vhs-rip. Powered by Clint Barton. It is password protected, only to collaborators.
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086612/
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