start a new year and hope that not be as bad as above, but very we fear that all will to worse if not change the current ruling regime.
In the last full the our City was do know a new adventure with the name of Theme Park. In want to mount a other but if already have in a and mounted on and ready, even that is half and without light for lack of payment, with more of three hundred people to unemployment within a population active of eight hundred inhabitants, almost twice unemployed that the average state and that makes our great Mayor then go to Madrid to the International Fair of Tourism (FITUR) the next of his faithful "swordsman" and that is the that leads to the his wallet, then neither more or less "THE GREAT TOURIST ROUTE OF CREIXELL "only in all the COSTA DORADA accumulated up and everything more deficit of that there has this yes, without the more minimum gap of shame.
Again we will to ask what is the real deficit that drags the our flyer Mayor, but very we fear that what will happen of always SILENCE and More SILENCE by response.
Fortunately the people of our people already know the bar this visionary mayor who the town was confused, believing that it live in a city.
The municipal elections are very close and are observing a series of "movements" that will become in large changes in favor of our people and maybe that keeps the current rulers of its chair.
is not surprising that many voters of the esquerras are each time more susceptible to the liberal ideas of parties center-of . It is obvious that causes the loss of soil election socialist are not just of character in general the our people. We could say that the image that give the representatives of PSC not adjusted to the claims of potential voters this game being these moments stage political very different, coming in to lose the shirt and stay so permanent in the catacombs of the opposition.
Even worse is the image ICV and observing the climate of tension continued to the door representative to side of current colleagues malcarats and uncultivated where there is no is strange that are dispensable in all the acts and events who organized the our people, by can get to lose their the representation in the Council.
If we a game of what more surreal this is ERC loser where there is and not be less in the next municipal elections, although not have very clear to the captains who placed of any list able to to handle it your craving and have protected the their personal interests.
majority of inhabitants of Creixell have created a great expectation with the change made in Government of the Government trying to create links by the no votes to the municipal elections here can be the key to to a new and powerful municipal government, which could well bring the acronym of CIU provided that the heads of list current not concorreguessin in these new elections, incorporating new faces with a profile dialogue and a constructive discourse, according to the difficult times that we crossing, forgetting time ago. Without these changes will very complicated is change the vote and the worst of all is that not the roots conformism, leaving as is the people in the hands of the current president. Let us God il · lumini i sapiguem correct els nostres errors.
started a new year want to not be as bad as the before, but we greatly fear that all will go to worse if not change the current ruling regime.
In the last full, our City Council gave released a new adventure with the name of Theme Park. Want to mount another, but if and we one and above mounted and ready, but is to medium and light without lack of payment, more of three hundred people in the unemployment within of a population active of hundred inhabitants, almost the double of unemployed that the state average and that ago our great mayor, because go to Madrid International Fair Tourism (FITUR) with your faithful "Swordsman" and that is what that carries in his wallet, as nothing more and nothing less that GREAT TOURIST ROUTE OF CREIXELL "only in all the Costa Daurada, accumulating even more deficit that is, that themselves without the most least glimmer of shame.
Again, I back to ask what is the authentic deficit drag our traveler mayor, but we greatly fear that going to spend of always, SILENCE, SILENCE, by response.
Luckily people of our people and know the gall this visionary Mayor is has Locality confused, believing that lives in a great urbe.Las municipal elections are very near and are seeing is a series of "movement" is become big changes benefit of our people and that perhaps away to the current rulers of its armchair.
is not surprising that many leftist voters are increasingly more susceptible to liberal ideas of center-right parties. Clearly the causes of soil loss socialist electoral are only general in our people. could say that the image give the representatives of the PSC not is consistent with the claims of the potential voters this game being in these moments the political scenario very different, coming to lose up the shirt and stay in permanently in the catacombs the opposition.
Even worse is image ICV and watching the climate of tension continued to lead his representative and to the current fellow Malcarado and uneducated where the has not is strange that are dispensable all the acts and events is organized our people, by what you can losing their representation in the City Hall.
If we want a party of the most surreal this ERC is loser where the there and not going to be less in the in upcoming municipal elections, to look even not have very clear the bosses who van a place of head ready to handle a will and have protected their interests.
Most of inhabitants of Creighton is have created a great expectation the change made in the Government of Catalonia, trying to create links through of the votes towards municipal elections here can be the key to a new powerful local government, which it could carry the CIU stands for always and when the heads current list of not fulfilled to a these new elections incorporating new faces dialoguing profile and constructive discourse, according to the difficult times we through, forgetting times past. Without these changes will be very difficult to be change the vote and worst of all is that root is the conformism, leaving as is the town hands current mayor. that God enlighten and know correct our mistakes .
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