FEATURES: The obligation to contribute
created by the initiation of service withdrawal and collection of animals that are loose and abandoned in the street and around the town.
Article 5 .- Definitions.
are defined as abandoned or stray animals for the purposes of this Ordinance and subject to the provisions of Civil Code:
1) Animals that being in the public highway and in city-owned property, whether urban or rural, lack of any identification of the origin or the owner and holder.
2) Those who count on identifying and meeting in public not accompanied by any person. Article 6 .- Rates
the rate at which this Ordinance is governed by the following rate:
1) Capture, withdrawal of public roads as well as the rest of the municipality, and transfer to impound or place authorized for that: 100 Euros.
2) For each day or fraction of time in this setting: 2.1
Equine - Bovine: 20 Euros.
2.2 Other Species: 10 Euros.
3) health care costs, if they had occurred, the cost of it with justification.
Article 7 .- Accrual.
The levy is considered earned simultaneously the provision of service, or has been initiated it and its assessment and collection will take effect by the municipal offices based on data submitted by staff of the Service.
not be returned to its owners or holders none of the animals that would have required the initiation of this service, while cash has not been paying royalties
The imposition of duties that this Ordinance provides, does not preclude the payment of the appropriate sanctions or penalties for violation of the rules of City Police.
Article 13. If the animal
carry identification, the owner will be notified and shall have, from that time, within ten days to recover, previously paying the costs incurred by his capture, care and transport, storage and warehousing, and health treatment, if stated on the payment of the fee.
If it is not collected by the owner identified in the previous period may be assigned free of charge until it is finally withdrawn by the owner.
If the animal has no identification of the origin of the owner or keeper, he shall be identified by posting edicts and insertion in the Town Hall Bulletin Board for a period of fifteen calendar days. Also be inserted into the Official Gazette of the Province. After that time if not contained or identify its owner or keeper shall slaughter or auction, as provided in this Ordinance.
The proof of ownership or possession animal front of City Hall, will be made by any of the procedures and means provided by law, be sufficient census card or health, duly approved by the competent authority.
Article 16 of the owner or possessor of a trapped animal, and that the period that is given to collecting in Article 9 of this Ordinance, shall be required for payment of amounts due at the time of submission of this service by the City.
Article 18 .- Violations.
violations committed against the provisions of this Ordinance are classified as minor, serious and very serious. 1-Son
Minor offenses: a.
Do not keep the necessary security measures to control and monitor the animals indoors. B.
The failure, active or passive, of the requirements in order to implement this Ordinance are made, provided that the entity will not have a serious or very serious injury. C.
The refusal of the owners or holders of animals to provide municipal services identification data from them .. 2 .-
serious offenses: a.
Possession of unregistered animals or identified in accordance with the provisions of law 11/2003, of December 24 Protection Act of animals. B.
Default, active or passive, of this Ordinance when at your organization behave clear risk to public safety or health, or for the alteration of civic life. C.
The failure by the owners of potentially dangerous animals, the duties of Registration for municipal. D.
Driving on the public streets of potentially dangerous animals, no chain or leash and muzzled appropriate.
3 .- Very serious infringements:
a. Abandonment of animals. B.
The failure, active or passive, to the requirements of this Ordinance when at your organization behave a very serious or irreversible damage to the safety or public health. C.
Repeated misconduct.
Article 19 .- Sanctions Violations of this Ordinance shall be punished as provided below, all without prejudice to civil and criminal liabilities that may be incurred, which are required by the appropriate manner, which were transmitted to the authority competent, and additional measures set out below:
1) Minor offenses, a fine of 50 to 100 euros and reprimands.
2) Serious offenses, a fine of 101 to 400 euros.
3) Very serious infringements, a fine from 401 to 600 euros.
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