Decision No. 3882/GCABA/DGDYPC/10 created Book Water Supply and Sanitation . In
its Article 1 states for which it was created: "to make the record of cleaning and disinfection of drinking water tanks in property consisting of more than one housing unit in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Autonomous City of Buenos Aires , and are affected by the horizontal property regime covered by the law 13512, the law 3254/09 of GCBA and its regulatory decree, to meet the needs of control. "
article 2 says it should be: "shall consist of an opening before a Notary Public settling the property in question, the opening date, the use that will give the same and the number of folios for the purpose of then presented for his signature. "
The Book must contain: (art. 3) " a) the name of the company providing the cleaning and disinfection of drinking water, b) the number Registration to the Directorate General for Policy and Environmental Control, the company doing the cleaning and disinfection, c) the date that was cleaning and disinfection of drinking water tank, d) the result of analysis drinking water, e) the signature of the Director Technical f) the signature of the Administrator or the legal representative of the Consortium " .
Under art 4 ° the compliance with the book should be ready before December 14, 2010, at sixty days from enactment of 3882.
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