1 .- REGISTRATION: Registration for the RPA not only for managers but also expensive for those who do it for free.
The requirements for placing an onerous administration are: a.
Name and surname or social. In the case of persons of ideal existence, in addition, a copy of the social contract, amendments and final designation of authorities, with due entries. B.
Constitution of special address in the City. C.
CUIT number. D.
Certificate issued by the National Registry of Recidivism and Criminal Statistics. In the case of legal persons, the regulatory authorities must determine what they must comply with this requirement. E.
Report issued by the Registrar of Judgement. F.
Certificate of approval of a training course in administration of consortia of condominiums, in the manner and form prescribed this regulation.
government requirements for voluntary or free one must have:
a) .- Original and copy of National Identity Document
b) .- A certified copy of meeting minutes which must contain the consortium, the number of functional units thereof and honorary designation as an administrator. Also, description of the functional unit which is owner of registration number Registry of Real Property or, failing that, simple affidavit of all co-owners (or by presenting the original Minute Book.)
2 - Certificate: The manager demonstrates to the consortium their status at the registry by a certificate that is renewed annually. The administrator may request an updated record valid for 30 days to file in the assembly is made to consider the description and / or continuation.
3 .- COPY OF THE LAW: You must provide a copy of the law and regulations in the first regular meeting to be held after the effective date of regulations to be recorded in the minutes of receipt. If the consortium so provides must be delivered in subsequent meetings who were not present in the first.
4 .- OBLIGATIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATOR: keep up to date a register of the co-owner SIGNATURES that will be displayed at the beginning of each meeting to present the co-owners can verify the authenticity of the powers that arise. (On the occasion of the registration or renewal in the register shall take the book for approval)
5 .- BANK ACCOUNT: Open a bank account on behalf of the consortium (unless otherwise provided by assembly) it will be co-signed a co-owner and manager. 6 .-
ASSEMBLY: Entry in the call start time and end of the assembly. If there are outstanding issues to try to get to the end time is passed to a recess that can not be more than 8 days corridos.
7 .- LIQUIDATION OF EXPENSES: should be performed in great detail.
a. Manager data (name, address, telephone, or CUIL CUIT, Number of Registration.) B.
Details of the consortium, with No. CUIT and Identification Key to the Sole Union Buildings Rental and Landscape. C.
Details of receipts and expenditures of the previous month and the total asset or liability. D.
Name and title of staff of the consortium, indicating the building category, Number of Cuil, base salary, overtime detailed period to which payment is made, details of discounts and contributions for social charges borne by the consortium. (May be completed with a copy of pay stub)
e. Details of payments for supplies, services and payments to contractors, indicating company name, address, Number of CUIT or CUIL, No registration, work performed, items provided, the total amount and where appropriate, number of shares and number of fee is payable. (Specifying whether all or enclosing a copy of invoice)
f. Details of insurance payments, including the name of the company, policy number, type of insurance, insured items, due dates of the policy and number of the fee to be paid. G.
The receipt of the administrator as payment of their fees, detailing No. CUIT, registration number in the register of directors, detailing its fiscal situation, the total amount and period covered.
h. In case there expense collection lawsuits or other causes in which the Consortium is a party, shall appear on the monthly settlement all of the data (number of intervening court and file, cover, object and state) and capital claimed. I.
Include a summary of movements in the Consortium's bank account in the previous month.
8 .- ANNUAL AFFIDAVIT: This should include: a.
Updated list of consortia is given, stating whether it does so free or not.
b. Copy of minutes of meeting on accountabilities. C.
Details of payments of contributions and pension contributions, social security and other mandatory contributions, risk insurance and labor union dues if applicable, relating to building workers dependent on each of the consortium that manages. D.
Details of payments made for maintenance and inspections of legally binding. E.
Affidavit assets to the consortium and approved by him, designed to ensure its responsibilities as administrator. This statement may be replaced by the constancy of the constitution in favor of the consortium of owners, by the administrator, professional liability insurance issued by an insurance company.
The administration is voluntary or free they are exempted from this obligation.
9 .- TERM OF OFFICE: Except as provided in the Rules of Co-ownership and administration of each consortium administrator duration is one year and may be renewed by the regular or special meeting, with the majority stipulated in the regulation or failing by two-thirds of the / as owners / as present, with a minimum quorum. Can be removed before the expiry of the mandate by the majority provided for through the Condominium Regulations. Before expiry of the term of office, the administrator must call an assembly to decide on renewal and, if relevant, the period for which will be held. After the period of office, in the absence of assembly terminating the same under the sole responsibility of the administrator, leaving the joint venturers own volition and empowered to find solutions to the situation with a quorum established in the rules of co-ownership or, alternatively, by two-thirds of the owners present, with a minimum quorum.
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