Sunday, June 27, 2010

Separation Anxiety More Condition_symptoms

Police advises citizens not to report the dates in which they will be away on vacation and makes a special appeal to children not to do so through social networks and avoid thefts households.

Here are some of the recommendations directed police to the citizens to have safe holidays , since the arrival of summer, many people who leave their habitual residence and move to areas tourist to enjoy your vacation.

Thus, for when temporarily leaving the home, the police advised sure that doors and windows are tightly closed housing ; not disconnect the buzzer and never hide a key near emergency his house, that they try to convey the appearance of being inhabited.

También recomienda no dejar en el domicilio objetos de elevado valor , llaves de vehículos, documentos importantes, talonarios de cheques, claves tarjetas de crédito o códigos de acceso a banca on line; elaborar un inventario con los números de serie de fabricación de aparatos electrónicos, marca y modelo; incluir una descripción y fotografías que permitan la identificación de joyas y objetos valor; pedir a alguien de confianza que recoja el correo de su buzón y que realice visitas periódicas.

Evitar transacciones en cibercafés

Para el lugar de vacaciones, aconseja citizens to maintain the same security measures that usually follow at home and always close the door when they leave their place of accommodation; keep track of their belongings during transfer , monitor purses or wallets in urban areas , bus and train stations, hotels, museums, sights and entertainment, keep your luggage is handled by third parties.

For the beach or pool, take recommended strictly necessary, to keep track of personal belongings while bathing, protecting video cameras, photographic or mobile phones places of entertainment (restaurants, bars, terraces, local and discos), avoid gambling on the street, wary of assistance from strangers, as the notice of stain clothing or damage to your vehicle, which could be a ploy to evade their belongings.

Avoid using public computers (cyber cafes, railway stations or airports) for conducting transactions over the Internet. Also, if you pay by credit card must directly supervise the recovery operation to prevent fraudulent use of your card and keep the guards.

If used vehicle do not leave valuables in sight . If traveling by road, especially during fuel stops and rest areas, whenever leaving the car, we must stop the engine, remove the key and lock. Nor are advised to pick up strangers on the road.

If you travel with children, police should teach speak its name, address and telephone and in places with large crowds, always maintain eye contact with minors.



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