A Police Patrol Local Hinojos 4 individuals arrested for burglary.
After an anonymous call from a neighbor where he warned of the presence of four men and a van-type vehicle in the area known as the bids with a suspicious attitude, the local police is presented in the scene.
The officers watched as a number of individuals to detect police presence ran jumping a fence and entering the van.
After completing the identification of these people and a visual inspection of the vehicle, officers found about 320 poles fence enclosures with cutting tools such as Saw and tongs. The poles are worth about 2,000 Euros as a whole.
Then the officers realized that these irons came from the place where individuals observed skipping out of it, proceeding to find the owner of the plot to identify the posts and make the corresponding complaint.
subsequently made the individuals arrested for a burglary in the things, using the scaling. Moving in collaboration with the Civil Guard individuals to office to extend the relevant proceedings and bringing to justice of detainees.
Detainees were allegedly responsible for the events were held: MJJ 63 years, FPD 29; JM.JG 27; AJG, 29, all residing in Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) and police records. LOCAL POLICE THANK
citizen cooperation.
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