already have football field with artificial turf, their great towers of electric lighting, sprinklers, new large capacity, new goals, so beautiful!! !
artificial turf:
Artificial turf requires periodic care about throughout the year. It provides the knowledge and methodologies acquired in charge of maintaining a constant fields for perfect tuning.
Clean. Panning the total surface removing dirt and impurities.
· Desherbat chemical. In some cases, if need be to treat the grass with herbicide.
To prevent the growth of herbs is first manually remove any other vegetation type, then apply a foliar herbicide absorption and antigerminatiu.
· brushed and aeration hose. Using a methodology that is done technically advanced process vital to the conservation and optimum turf quality sportswear.
First a general sweep of all surface and redistribute
decompress rubber. To employ this process created a machinery for this function, so the results left the field in top condition. Replacement
· areas punished. The rubber has to sit in the most naked and punished by the intensive use of the field. · Verification and control boards and lines. We verified the entire field in general, to solve any problems in the joints, on the lines marking or other required areas. We proceed to repair or clarification if necessary. And control of the sporting qualities.
How much euros funded by the City Council for the maintenance of our football field?
Sports Councilman who is also chairman of the Cultural Centre and Sports CREIXELL (not incompatible REGIDOR BY THE PRESIDENT WITH THE CENTRE OF CULTURAL AND SPORTS?) Estrenyirà females in the City because it increases the subsidy that gives each year?
entry automatically added by the great amount of repayment costs will lead to the maintenance of the aforesaid football field?

artificial turf:
Artificial turf requires periodic care about throughout the year. It provides the knowledge and methodologies acquired in charge of maintaining a constant fields for perfect tuning.
Clean. Panning the total surface removing dirt and impurities.
· Desherbat chemical. In some cases, if need be to treat the grass with herbicide.
To prevent the growth of herbs is first manually remove any other vegetation type, then apply a foliar herbicide absorption and antigerminatiu.
· brushed and aeration hose. Using a methodology that is done technically advanced process vital to the conservation and optimum turf quality sportswear.
First a general sweep of all surface and redistribute
decompress rubber. To employ this process created a machinery for this function, so the results left the field in top condition. Replacement
· areas punished. The rubber has to sit in the most naked and punished by the intensive use of the field. · Verification and control boards and lines. We verified the entire field in general, to solve any problems in the joints, on the lines marking or other required areas. We proceed to repair or clarification if necessary. And control of the sporting qualities.
How much euros funded by the City Council for the maintenance of our football field?
Sports Councilman who is also chairman of the Cultural Centre and Sports CREIXELL (not incompatible REGIDOR BY THE PRESIDENT WITH THE CENTRE OF CULTURAL AND SPORTS?) Estrenyirà females in the City because it increases the subsidy that gives each year?
entry automatically added by the great amount of repayment costs will lead to the maintenance of the aforesaid football field?
"from Murcia to Nouakchott, Mauritania's capital, must match the trucks loaded with varied material which assist in the Town Hall conference Barà, the City of Creixell Cucarull Association Youth Sailing Club and the pools of Barà conference. The delivery of this material will be made directly by staff of different espedicions emerging around the country, paradoxically as the town of Baras and Creixell conference, which will be represented by Manuel Gonzalez, head coach of Point Youth Creixell information. "
Great sense of solidarity in our City, laudable act, but forgetful with the neediest of our people, this act of solidarity is such a good "home iron, wooden spoon. Unfortunately in our people we need more people so that others, other "nations." We malvivint people without water in a caravan without electricity and without the essential elements of first necessity, hoping the owner of the land where they are on sell, and remove the site.

"from Murcia to Nouakchott, Mauritania's capital, must match the trucks loaded with varied material which assist in the Town Hall conference Barà, the City of Creixell Cucarull Association Youth Sailing Club and the pools of Barà conference. The delivery of this material will be made directly by staff of different espedicions emerging around the country, paradoxically as the town of Baras and Creixell conference, which will be represented by Manuel Gonzalez, head coach of Point Youth Creixell information. "
Great sense of solidarity in our City, laudable act, but forgetful with the neediest of our people, this act of solidarity is such a good "home iron, wooden spoon. Unfortunately in our people we need more people so that others, other "nations." We malvivint people without water in a caravan without electricity and without the essential elements of first necessity, hoping the owner of the land where they are on sell, and remove the site.
Because the Councillor of Social Affairs has not provided a small grant to hire one of the many gaps that exist in our people and help these poor people with a decent roof spend your life sad and honest?
So instead of spending so many euros in the opening of the football field, having to throw lots of food, do not have a little foresight, containing the costs of this and other fast, to help these people real need of help?
crisis not only for the given votes.
So instead of spending so many euros in the opening of the football field, having to throw lots of food, do not have a little foresight, containing the costs of this and other fast, to help these people real need of help?
crisis not only for the given votes.
The Neverending Story OF COMA

THE COMA, is in total crisis. The streets half asphalt, sewer lids semiasfaltades and dirty with soil, light and telephone poles in the middle of the road, creating an imminent danger of collision of cars circulating, as well as pedestrians passing the site, to sidewalks and half-finished houses and gardens full of dirt.
What happened? It is over the money they paid the owners of the houses and plots of Coma?
The City Council has completed works for?
should be spent all the money raised?
One of the great European philosophers such as anticipated desarramadis commenting on the following "We approach the time when the theft and LIE, that the law condemns, will be minimized FAULTS AS vulgar, like a TURPITUD BASTA, Destro scammers who know RESPECT FOR THE TEXT OF THE LAW WHILE violates the rights of others"
Eduard von Hartmann (1842-1906).
environmentalism in Creixell

Black Flags (independent environmental group)
can require the Government to include the green areas immediately part of this plan within the PEIN, as shown a resolution of the Parliament of Catalonia
and modify special plan to adequately protect the natural wetland located in the green part of the plan and manage freshwater inputs
extras that represent the development of this area, as Ecologists in Action, prefer is seen as a natural space included in the own EIN
- Creixell. The council has not approved the reclassification of land declared as natural by the Department of Environment and Housing to allow normalization of the status of protected area within the EIN and Creixell Torredembarra Beach, known as the "Pool of Creixell" . With this action, the council is preventing de facto consolidation of this nature as such, keeping part of the area despite the declaration of land as natural area by the Government. It is one of the most serious
this natural experiment by obstruction made by the council of Creixell.
The dirt in the woods surrounding Creixell is demeaning, old furniture, mattresses, televisions, debris, etc.. Those who say
Ecologistas Creixell worry or be concerned about our people ever read the ICV's and others? Is there any
ICV in Creixell representative, or is to be dissolved and we have not heard?
The City Council meets the competencies necessary for cleaning the forests? In times of crisis, problems arise like mushrooms and now the only thing left is to associate ourselves and all the neighbors of Creixell as an act of solidarity for our people to start a general cleaning of the surrounding green spaces. Because if we trusted ourselves Ecologistas the progress of our City and especially in what little time we have left the mountain will become a real garbage dump.
Less work and more about Pharaonic per al nostre poble. Creighton
Ecologistas Creixell worry or be concerned about our people ever read the ICV's and others? Is there any
ICV in Creixell representative, or is to be dissolved and we have not heard?
The City Council meets the competencies necessary for cleaning the forests? In times of crisis, problems arise like mushrooms and now the only thing left is to associate ourselves and all the neighbors of Creixell as an act of solidarity for our people to start a general cleaning of the surrounding green spaces. Because if we trusted ourselves Ecologistas the progress of our City and especially in what little time we have left the mountain will become a real garbage dump.
Less work and more about Pharaonic per al nostre poble. Creighton
mereix molt més which gives Aquest Ajuntament ens.
We already have football field with artificial turf, large electrical towers lighting, new high-capacity sprinklers, new goals, how nice !!!!!!!
artificial turf requires periodic care about throughout the year. It provides the knowledge acquired and methodologies to those responsible for maintaining the fields for a perfect set constant.
· Cleaning. Total sweep of the surface, remove dirt and impurities. · Chemical weeding. In some cases, if necessary, must treat the lawn with herbicide. To prevent weed growth is first manually remove any remaining plant type, then apply a herbicide foliar uptake and antigerminative.
· Brush and aeration of the rubber. Through a technically advanced method to perform this vital process for optimal conservation and quality lawn sports. First, a general sweep of the entire surface to redistribute and ... · Unzip the rubber. For this process we use a machine created for that function, so our results leave the field in top condition. · Reinstatement hit areas. The rubber must be replenished in the most naked and punished by the intensive use area. · Verification and control joints and edges. Be verified throughout the Country in general, to solve any problem in the attachment points on the lines marking or in other required areas. Proceed to glue or repair if necessary. And the quality control of the sport.
How much euros will subsidize our City Council to maintaining the football field?
Does the sports council, which in turn is president of the Cultural and Sports Center Creighton (IS NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE OFFICE OF COUNCIL MEMBER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE CULTURAL CENTER?) Tighten the nuts to the City Council to increase the subsidy it will given each year?
admission fee "to recoup the large amount of expenses associated with maintenance of the aforementioned football field? SOLIDARITY
"" "From Murcia to Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania, have left the truckloads of miscellaneous items with the collaboration of the City Roda de Bara, the City of Creighton, the Youth Asocición Cucarull and Yacht Club Pools Roda de Bara. The delivery of this material will be made directly by the people coming out of each country, as well as the towns of Roda de Bara and Creighton, which will be represented by Manuel Gonzalez, head coach of Punt d'Informació Juvenil de Creixell "" "
Great sense of solidarity that of our City, laudable act, but oblivious to the neediest of our people, this act of solidarity that makes good the "EN CASA DEL HERRERO, wooden spoons." Unfortunately in our town we have people equally or more needy than others of other "nations."
We have people scraping by in a trailer without water without light and the fundamental elements of basic necessities, waiting for the owner of the land where they are, what sells, and take the place. Why
Councillor for Social Affairs has not provided a small grant to hire one of the many empty flats which are in our people and help these poor people with a decent roof to spend your life sad and honest? Why
instead of spending so many euros at the opening of the football field, having to throw away large quantities of food, no echo is a little foresight, containing costs this and other annals, in order to help these people in need of real help?
The crisis is only what does not score.
LA COMA, is in total crisis. The half-paved streets, the manhole covers semiasfaltadas and out of step with the ground, street lights and telephones in the middle of the road creating an imminent danger of collision of cars circulating, as well as pedestrians who pass by Instead, half-finished sidewalks and houses and gardens full of dirt.
What happened? . Have you already completed the money they paid the owners of houses and plots of La Coma?
"The City Council has terminated the works?
Did he spent all the money raised?
One of the great European philosophers and these violations provided the following comment "WE BRING THE TIME THE THEFT AND THE LIES THAT THE SENTENCE LAW, WILL BE POPULAR minimized as needed, as a crude clumsiness BY YOU KNOW righties FRAUDSTERS MEET THE TEXT OF THE LAW VIOLATED THE LAW AS NON "
Black Flags (independent environmental group)
the Government should be required to immediately include the green areas partial plan in the PEIN, branded as a resolution of the Catalan Parliament and amend the plan
special natural space to adequately protect wetland that is located in the green zone of partial and appropriate management plan contributions
extra freshwater represent the urbanization of this area
, and Ecologists in Action, would prefer to stay as natural space included in the EIN own
- Creighton. Your local council has not approved the reclassification of the land declared natural area by the Department of Environment and Housing that would normalize the status of protected natural area within the EIN Platja de Torredembarra i Creighton, known as the "Creighton Gorg." With this action, the council de facto
is preventing this natural area of \u200b\u200bconsolidation as such, keeping as part of developable space despite the declaration of natural space by the Generalitat. It is one of the most serious action experience this natural space obstruction made by the consistory of Creighton.
dirt in the woods that surround Creighton is demeaning, old furniture, mattresses, televisions, runes, etc.
which environmentalists say Creixell worry or have ever worried about our people, ICV and other lease?
Is there a representative of ICV in Creighton, or is to be dissolved and we have not heard?
"The City Council meets the competencies necessary for the cleaning of the woods? In times of crisis
problems arise like mushrooms and now all that remains is to associate all the neighbors of Creighton and as an act of solidarity for our people to start a cleanup of the green spaces that surround it. Because if we have to trust the honest environmentalists and especially our City in a short time what little is left of the mountain is going to turn into a real landfill. Less
We already have football field with artificial turf, large electrical towers lighting, new high-capacity sprinklers, new goals, how nice !!!!!!!
artificial turf requires periodic care about throughout the year. It provides the knowledge acquired and methodologies to those responsible for maintaining the fields for a perfect set constant.
· Cleaning. Total sweep of the surface, remove dirt and impurities. · Chemical weeding. In some cases, if necessary, must treat the lawn with herbicide. To prevent weed growth is first manually remove any remaining plant type, then apply a herbicide foliar uptake and antigerminative.
· Brush and aeration of the rubber. Through a technically advanced method to perform this vital process for optimal conservation and quality lawn sports. First, a general sweep of the entire surface to redistribute and ... · Unzip the rubber. For this process we use a machine created for that function, so our results leave the field in top condition. · Reinstatement hit areas. The rubber must be replenished in the most naked and punished by the intensive use area. · Verification and control joints and edges. Be verified throughout the Country in general, to solve any problem in the attachment points on the lines marking or in other required areas. Proceed to glue or repair if necessary. And the quality control of the sport.
How much euros will subsidize our City Council to maintaining the football field?
Does the sports council, which in turn is president of the Cultural and Sports Center Creighton (IS NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE OFFICE OF COUNCIL MEMBER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE CULTURAL CENTER?) Tighten the nuts to the City Council to increase the subsidy it will given each year?
admission fee "to recoup the large amount of expenses associated with maintenance of the aforementioned football field? SOLIDARITY
"" "From Murcia to Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania, have left the truckloads of miscellaneous items with the collaboration of the City Roda de Bara, the City of Creighton, the Youth Asocición Cucarull and Yacht Club Pools Roda de Bara. The delivery of this material will be made directly by the people coming out of each country, as well as the towns of Roda de Bara and Creighton, which will be represented by Manuel Gonzalez, head coach of Punt d'Informació Juvenil de Creixell "" "
Great sense of solidarity that of our City, laudable act, but oblivious to the neediest of our people, this act of solidarity that makes good the "EN CASA DEL HERRERO, wooden spoons." Unfortunately in our town we have people equally or more needy than others of other "nations."
We have people scraping by in a trailer without water without light and the fundamental elements of basic necessities, waiting for the owner of the land where they are, what sells, and take the place. Why
Councillor for Social Affairs has not provided a small grant to hire one of the many empty flats which are in our people and help these poor people with a decent roof to spend your life sad and honest? Why
instead of spending so many euros at the opening of the football field, having to throw away large quantities of food, no echo is a little foresight, containing costs this and other annals, in order to help these people in need of real help?
The crisis is only what does not score.
LA COMA, is in total crisis. The half-paved streets, the manhole covers semiasfaltadas and out of step with the ground, street lights and telephones in the middle of the road creating an imminent danger of collision of cars circulating, as well as pedestrians who pass by Instead, half-finished sidewalks and houses and gardens full of dirt.
What happened? . Have you already completed the money they paid the owners of houses and plots of La Coma?
"The City Council has terminated the works?
Did he spent all the money raised?
One of the great European philosophers and these violations provided the following comment "WE BRING THE TIME THE THEFT AND THE LIES THAT THE SENTENCE LAW, WILL BE POPULAR minimized as needed, as a crude clumsiness BY YOU KNOW righties FRAUDSTERS MEET THE TEXT OF THE LAW VIOLATED THE LAW AS NON "
Black Flags (independent environmental group)
the Government should be required to immediately include the green areas partial plan in the PEIN, branded as a resolution of the Catalan Parliament and amend the plan
special natural space to adequately protect wetland that is located in the green zone of partial and appropriate management plan contributions
extra freshwater represent the urbanization of this area
, and Ecologists in Action, would prefer to stay as natural space included in the EIN own
- Creighton. Your local council has not approved the reclassification of the land declared natural area by the Department of Environment and Housing that would normalize the status of protected natural area within the EIN Platja de Torredembarra i Creighton, known as the "Creighton Gorg." With this action, the council de facto
is preventing this natural area of \u200b\u200bconsolidation as such, keeping as part of developable space despite the declaration of natural space by the Generalitat. It is one of the most serious action experience this natural space obstruction made by the consistory of Creighton.
dirt in the woods that surround Creighton is demeaning, old furniture, mattresses, televisions, runes, etc.
which environmentalists say Creixell worry or have ever worried about our people, ICV and other lease?
Is there a representative of ICV in Creighton, or is to be dissolved and we have not heard?
"The City Council meets the competencies necessary for the cleaning of the woods? In times of crisis
problems arise like mushrooms and now all that remains is to associate all the neighbors of Creighton and as an act of solidarity for our people to start a cleanup of the green spaces that surround it. Because if we have to trust the honest environmentalists and especially our City in a short time what little is left of the mountain is going to turn into a real landfill. Less
monumental works and more courtesy and performance for our people. Creighton
worth much more than giving us this City.
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