That makes our City with taxes collected from each of the pockets of citizens Creixell?
This is a question that long ago that people do integrate this blog, and be based probing, the answers that we have been taking are not very promising.
More than three quarters are to pay the salaries of people working, " are, appear and disappear in different departments of the City Council, including school, daycare, Hotel Entities and Municipal Police.
Apart from that described in the previous section, we counted the different rentals, leasing, grants to various local organizations, sports, parties, water, electricity, landline, PBX, phones, travel, trade shows, meals, dinners, celebrations the elderly (never for youth), maintenance of green areas and públicas (though not belonging to the City) and many other variants that would be impossible to enumerate, so complex in its category.
not dare to make any kind of accounting, but it sure numbers we boxes any way.
Three thousand two hundred inhabitants of our people to give so much?
The five thousand-odd dwellings in the town next to the different businesses give enough to cover all expenses above?
We are fooling our mayors, because all you have done to see what is not, is confiscated by the municipality loans in different banks and stop the "brown" to future generations?
could be that the mayor, acting as a company and once the home stretch to the window and give you more credit to the City Council declared Bankruptcy and check rampant ERE using the crisis we are experiencing in these difficult times? Perhaps it is a far fetched idea, but it could happen.
not be better to save on expenses that were not of necessity and without estrictamente staff may not be necessary to better times?
From this blog, we have come a number of ideas that could be good, if our City every day, dares to apply them, but not think we are the keepers truth, above all humility.
For example, the residents involved in the maintenance of various parks of the estates of the people. That
upcoming festivals are truly for the people and the people, to explain how our grandparents, each neighbor which I can place on a communal table and is shared between all present. Involve
once and for all the young people to develop ideas for its improvement.
stop paying subsidies that are not strictly necessary for the people.
stop works that are not subsidized by the Government or the State.
forced savings agreements in the municipal staff.
Savings in travel, not of necessity must. Saving
different public events (meals, lunches, dinners, lectures) unless implies a direct benefit to the people.
stop paying the damn blue flag beach for a year nothing will happen.
take advantage of the various free activities that are available to us through the various organizations of the town, and giant tadpoles, petanque, outdoor sports, hiking, bike racing, racing skates, mobile launch , sack races, competitions and mystery of masses, racing on the beach, tennis, drag cars and so many other activities organized and participated by the people, our people.
not think the crisis we are experiencing, we would be one of the villages that provides free, we would have more and better activities for virtually all year and perhaps once and for all, would be the envy of people around us.
YES I encourage us ALL PARTICIPATE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Be the envy of other nations! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LONG LIVE
CREIXELL, even in CRISIS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
The Town Hall and our taxes.
That makes our City Hall with the taxes that recauda of each of the pockets of citizens of Creixell?
This is a question that long ago that we are people who make up this blog, and based on going investigation for the responses we have been taking are not very positive.
More than three quarters, are to pay the salaries of the people who compose it, do they work?, Are, come and go in different departments of the City Council, including school, daycare, community center and municipal police. Besides
described in the previous section, we have to count the different rents, leases, grants to several local, sports, festivals, water, electricity, telephones, switchboards, phones, travel, fairs, food, dinners, celebrations for the elderly (not youth), maintenance of public green areas (although not belonging to the City) and numerous other variants that would be impossible to list, so complex in its class.
We dare not make any kind of accounting but not sure the numbers we cuadrarían in any way.
Do two thousand inhabitants of our people we deal?
"Five thousand-odd dwellings of the village next to the various businesses are sufficient to cover all the expenses mentioned above?
are we not deceiving our municipal leaders, because the only thing to be done to pretend they are not, is seizing the town through loans at different banks and leave the "brown" to future generations?
Could it be that the mayor, acting as a company and once pulled the house out the window and not to give more credit to the City Council declared bankruptcy and make a redundancy advantage of the worsening crisis we are facing in these difficult times? Maybe it's a crazy idea, but it could happen.
Would not it be better to save on expenses other than necessities and dispense with the personal that is not strictly necessary to better times?
From this blog, we have been a number of ideas that could be good if the City Council this day our daily, dare to apply, but why not think they are the possessors of the truth, above all humility.
For example, to involve local residents in support of the various green areas of the estates of the people. That
upcoming festivals are truly for the people and the people, do as we have our ancestors, each neighbor can put whatever heartily at a common table and divided among all present. Involve
once and for all the young people to develop ideas for improvement.
Stop paying subsidies that are not strictly necessary for the people.
Stop doing the works that are not subsidized by the Government or the State. Saving
covenants required in municipal personnel.
travel savings of necessity than must. Saving
various public events (lunches, dinners, lectures) provided no implied bring direct benefit to the people. Stop paying
the happy blue flag beach for a year nothing will happen. Exploiting differences
free activities available to us through different people's organizations, giants, petanque, outdoor sports, hiking walk, bike racing, roller derby, throwing phones, sack races, contests and Mysteries mises, running on the beach, tennis, drag cars and so many other activities organized and participated by the people, our people .
not believe that given the crisis we are experiencing, we would be one of the towns that for free, we would have more and better activities for the whole year and that perhaps once and for all, would be the envy of the people around us. Let us encourage
¡¡¡¡¡ WE THE OTHER VILLAGES OF envy a violent !!!!!!!!!!
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ VIVA CREIXELL, although ESTEMOS IN CRISIS !!!!!!!!!
That makes our City Hall with the taxes that recauda of each of the pockets of citizens of Creixell?
This is a question that long ago that we are people who make up this blog, and based on going investigation for the responses we have been taking are not very positive.
More than three quarters, are to pay the salaries of the people who compose it, do they work?, Are, come and go in different departments of the City Council, including school, daycare, community center and municipal police. Besides
described in the previous section, we have to count the different rents, leases, grants to several local, sports, festivals, water, electricity, telephones, switchboards, phones, travel, fairs, food, dinners, celebrations for the elderly (not youth), maintenance of public green areas (although not belonging to the City) and numerous other variants that would be impossible to list, so complex in its class.
We dare not make any kind of accounting but not sure the numbers we cuadrarían in any way.
Do two thousand inhabitants of our people we deal?
"Five thousand-odd dwellings of the village next to the various businesses are sufficient to cover all the expenses mentioned above?
are we not deceiving our municipal leaders, because the only thing to be done to pretend they are not, is seizing the town through loans at different banks and leave the "brown" to future generations?
Could it be that the mayor, acting as a company and once pulled the house out the window and not to give more credit to the City Council declared bankruptcy and make a redundancy advantage of the worsening crisis we are facing in these difficult times? Maybe it's a crazy idea, but it could happen.
Would not it be better to save on expenses other than necessities and dispense with the personal that is not strictly necessary to better times?
From this blog, we have been a number of ideas that could be good if the City Council this day our daily, dare to apply, but why not think they are the possessors of the truth, above all humility.
For example, to involve local residents in support of the various green areas of the estates of the people. That
upcoming festivals are truly for the people and the people, do as we have our ancestors, each neighbor can put whatever heartily at a common table and divided among all present. Involve
once and for all the young people to develop ideas for improvement.
Stop paying subsidies that are not strictly necessary for the people.
Stop doing the works that are not subsidized by the Government or the State. Saving
covenants required in municipal personnel.
travel savings of necessity than must. Saving
various public events (lunches, dinners, lectures) provided no implied bring direct benefit to the people. Stop paying
the happy blue flag beach for a year nothing will happen. Exploiting differences
free activities available to us through different people's organizations, giants, petanque, outdoor sports, hiking walk, bike racing, roller derby, throwing phones, sack races, contests and Mysteries mises, running on the beach, tennis, drag cars and so many other activities organized and participated by the people, our people .
not believe that given the crisis we are experiencing, we would be one of the towns that for free, we would have more and better activities for the whole year and that perhaps once and for all, would be the envy of the people around us. Let us encourage
¡¡¡¡¡ WE THE OTHER VILLAGES OF envy a violent !!!!!!!!!!
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ VIVA CREIXELL, although ESTEMOS IN CRISIS !!!!!!!!!
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