all set and ready the device "Pilgrims Plan 2009" to host the nine sibships rocieras transiting the public road Hinojos-El Rocío and other roads in the municipality of Hinojos. After the celebration on the day of a meeting 23.04.1909 between the City of Hinojos and the presidents of the Brotherhood of Hinojos-Paterna del Campo del Campo Chucena-Escacena-Valencia-Sanlúcar la Mayor, Sevilla (El Salvador) - Carrión de los Céspedes and batteries.
Chaired by the Mayor of D. Hinojos Manuel Naranjo Díaz, being present the Local Police Chief, the Chief Captain of the 3rd Company of the Civil Guard, the Commander of the Guardia Civil station Hinojos.
In the first part of the meeting the representatives of the Civil Guard carried out a detailed analysis of the roads that run these brotherhoods, the schedules of conflicting and crosses. At this point highlighted the changes routes that have suffered the Brotherhoods Chucena Valencia-Sevilla (El Salvador) and Carrión de los Céspedes, all for safety reasons and to prevent the passage of processions on roads.
In the second part and without the presence of law enforcement (Guardia Civil) who missed inexplicably, it was the services provided by the City of Hinojos pilgrims as well as an assessment of services provided the previous year to improve them.
In this second part where he reigned for dialogue and understanding by the Guild and the City, highlighted the public greeting of the Brotherhood of Paterna Field to the City Council and Mayor representative for services rendered during the pilgrimage to El Rocío.
The Mayor made it known to the representatives of the Brotherhood did not attend the General Assembly held in Almonte Guild he's not invited Hinojos City Council by the Hermandad Matriz de Almonte. At all times made clear that the skills, management and control of public roads through which pass these fraternities is the City of Hinojos, conveying the concern that exists on the part of this institution that some guilds try to handle this issue politically. The presidents of the fraternities are committed to guide his pilgrimage along the roads to the village of Almonte and the Mayor that these roads are in condition and that public services are the best.
The economic cost of these services do not have to leave the city coffers, but rather of independent public institutions at local, so that if the latter do not lend themselves to pay will be the Brotherhood who have to deal with the payment. However, the Mayor pledged to fraternities that if a government sign an agreement with the City Council president, which contribute the amounts necessary to carry out all this "plan pilgrims", the Brotherhood no soportarían el gasto.
En este punto las Hermandades se comprometieron a abonar sus cuantías y a facilitar el número de matrículas que circularán por los caminos antes de la Romería.
El Ayuntamiento de Hinojos como cada año llevará a cabo la gestión tanto de la adecuación como de la limpieza de los caminos públicos como el Camino del Puerto Santa María- Camino Hinojos – El Rocío y posiblemente se añadirá un futuro camino por el que transitará la Hermandad de Carrión de los Céspedes como es el Camino de Huevar. Además de adecuar las zonas de acampadas en Cabezarrasa- Moralejo- Pino de Mil duros- Recinto Ferial.
Este año se incrementará Local Police Service, whose task will be the control of authorizations for the vehicles to the Dew, thus avoiding separate paths are made by individuals outside the Guild.