Dictatorship Local ERC Creixell
dictatorship believed eradicated, our people back again
We believed that for over thirty-three years that had disappeared Dictatorship of our people, but not, today's party "minority" of Creixell (limited by minority voters) called the ERC, its arrogant dictatorship imposed by the Local Executive in the person of Mr. Charles Gaspar, their only representative in Municipal Government.
These characters of the Local Executive, have not assimilated with democracy and that we act with its own dictatorship "and ordered the mandate" and if you obey the street. This attitude that exercise is normal, since they come from authoritarian parties and warlords.
The pressure exerted against Mr. Gaspar trying to force him to take political attitudes of the most ridiculous, has led to a disaster within the same party that has been forced to move to non-affiliated group, the Local Government, leaving it to the Executive fascinerosa, the shot to the butt. Although they have not realized that they had lost all credibility if they had any, to the inhabitants of Creixell.
Now more than ever it is clear the amount of private interests that are the components of the Local Executive, indeed, through a sinister character with businesses catering to the people, have offered to Mr Charles Gaspar, go to the list of PSC in the upcoming municipal elections and thus cornering the sociolistas who hold the power of this party in our village, but as usual with a good character, Mr Charles Gaspar, has neglected the sinister character novel.la cheap, but the most outrageous is that thanks to the betrayals of the Local Executive, ERC is likely to lose the chairmanship of the Regional Council of Tarragona, which would lose several grants aimed at our people to perform various activities of indole.
explain to the people if Mr. Charles Gaspar has breached any action proposed in the manifesto.
This is what these characters looked claims of the Executive Local? With its actions, have betrayed all voters Creixell they deposit their trust in this party and having a minimum of personal dignity and political, all should resign and make way for honest people who work for the people of Creixell as it was doing so far Mr. Gaspar Carlos.
Sir Charles Gaspar, from this blog, we have sometimes criticized for actions policies, we thought wrong, but once checked all the dirty action that the Local Executive has played against him, we are left only to wish you all sorts of congratulations on this new voyage policy and to continue working with all the strength that characterized by its Creixell-our people.
Creíamos towards that more than thirty three years and that's dictatorship desaparecido There was in our village, but not well in today's day a political game "minoritario" Creixell (minority voters by limited) called ERC, has imposed its arrogant dictatorship through its Local Executive in the person of Mr. Gaspar Carles, his only political representative in the Municipal Government. These characters of the Local Executive have not yet internalized the fact that we are in democracy and act with their own dictatorship of "command and control" and if you do not obey, the street, this posture exercise is normal, from cacique authoritarian parties.
The pressure exerted against Mr. Gaspar Carles, trying to force to take political stances as wild, has led to a debacle that, within the party, which has been forced to move to non-Affiliated Group in Local Government, coming out to the Local Executive and fascinerosa, shot by the stock. Have not yet realized they have lost all the credibility they had, if they had any, to the people of Creighton.
Now more than ever, it is clear the amount of private interests that have components running locally, is through a sinister character with shops and restaurants in this town, have Mr. Gaspar Carles offered, go top of the list for the PSC to Creighton in the upcoming municipal elections and thus cornering the sociological who hold power in this match, as is natural and good-natured, Mr. Gaspar Carles has ignored the incident dime novel character but more shocking is that thanks to the treachery of the Local Executive ERC is likely to lose the Presidency of the Tarragones Comaracal Consell, losing various subsidies that could have been aimed at our people, to perform such diverse activities.
to explain to people if Mr. Gaspar Carles, has breached any action proposed in the manifesto.
All this is what were these sinister characters of the Local Executive?
With its actions have betrayed them all Creighton voters who placed their trust in this party and if they had a minimum of personal dignity and political, all should resign and make way for honest people working for the Creighton village as it was doing so far Mr. Gaspar Carles.
Carles Mr Gaspar from this blog we sometimes criticized for political action that we thought wrong, but once checked all the dirty action that the Local Executive has had on his person, we just wish you every voyage congratulations on this new policy and to continue working with all the force that characterized by "our people from Creighton.